Friday, February 1, 2019

The Big Game is Almost Here!

Image result for football clipart

Get your students interested in learning with this great list of sports-related videos from Edutopia. Pair it with an SOS Strategy from Discovery Education and you've got yourself a quick, fun, easy-peasy mini-lesson!!! What a great way to start a Friday!

Regardless of if you are a Rams or a Patriots fan, (or an angry Saints fan), or even if you are just in it for the commercials.... here are some interesting and fun videos on the science of sports. These are great classroom warm-ups or discussion starters for a Friday morning right before the big game!

Try This Strategy

  1. Watch one of the videos on the list above.
  2. Have students complete an AEIOU strategy chart.

A = Adjective
List a word or two that describes something you saw or learned.
E = Emotion
Describe how a particular part of the segment made you feel.
I = Interesting
Write something you found interesting about the content/topic.
O = Oh!
Describe something that caused you to say “Oh!”
U = Um?
Write a question about something you learned, or want to learn more about.

For more strategies like this go to and search SOS strategies.


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